Balara High School Website
Website Coordinators and Advisers
Judith Lunabelle C. Buenaventura
BHS Website Staffs and Contributors
Computer Education class is an elective subject under Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE). The course is given to selected students from third year and fourth year students. Mr. Sherwin C. Maningas is the one handling third year computer class while Ms. Judith Lunabelle C. Buenaventura is handling fourth year. Students were thought basic computer hardware and servicing like pc disassembling and assembling, basic pc troubleshooting, set-up and installations. Also, students were given chance for a one is to one actual demonstration for pc operations, where thier skills in operating popular and in-demad programs such as word processor, spreadsheet, presentation program and internet were enhanced with values oriented lessons. Sir Sherwin and Mam Judith passed the TESDA Computer Hardware and Servicing NCII. They both believe that their students could be more competent in their chosen career if computer literacy, and computer skills could be inculcated on all students. This website is one their students.